Country Fun
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Hamilton Barn, between Davis City, IA and Cainsville, MO, IA & MO – North Central Missouri United States
Marcia Hamilton or call 669-893-5598 or 660-425-0604.
Schedule – Saturday July 27, 2019
4:00 PM – 9:00 PM
This tournament location may be found by taking Hwy B north out of Cainsville, MO. Go about 7 miles then turn left onto gravel road 137th St. Next intersection turn right onto 330 Ave. Go 1/2 mile turn right onto 132nd Place or the road right behind the white house. You will see the barn on the hilltop. Bring your favorite snack for added enjoyment.
Address is 33160 E 132nd Place Davis City, IA (MO Sometimes on GPS’s)