WAA Events List
If you would like to Create An Event, please click here to go to the Share Your Event page.
The WAA encourages members to participate in ISACs that are published on this website page and in THE ATLATL newsletter. The WAA encourages members to to be involved, but the WAA does not sponsor events.
If you have QUESTIONS about specific events, contact the event organizer listed in the event description below for further information.
Upcoming WAA Events:
|2025 Feb 14 Fri| – |2025 Feb 15 Sat| New York United States Atlatl Throw ISAC Event |
Indoor Shoot -WHEN: |2025 Feb 14 Fri|-|2025 Feb 15 Sat| from 4:00 PM-2:00 PM EST -WHERE: 455 S. Cascade Dr., Springville New York | United States -WHO: Douglas Bassett | 585-313-7111 | dglsbassett@gmail.com ISAC and locals. Range Fee $10. Fri: 4 pm to 5 pm or so; Sat: 1 pm to 2 pm or so. |
|2025 Feb 15 Sat| – |2025 Feb 16 Sun| Florida United States Atlatl Throw ISAC Event |
Silver River Knap-In & Prehistoric Arts Festival -WHEN: |2025 Feb 15 Sat|-|2025 Feb 16 Sun| -WHERE: 1445 NE 58th Avenue, We are located within the Silver Springs State Park in Ocala, Florida, off Baseline Road (CR 35) and one-mile south of SR 40., Ocala Florida 34470 | United States -WHO: Bob or Cheryll Berg | 607-743-4379 | contact@thunderbirdatlatl.com Silver River Knap-In and Prehistoric Arts Festival February 15th – 16th, 2025 9 AM – 4 PM | $10 per person, children 5 and under FREE ISACs will be held on Saturday at 4 to 5 pm and on Sunday morning time to be determined by participants. Atlatl range open all day. The Silver River Knap-In and Prehistoric Arts Festival takes place on the third weekend of each February. For further information on atlatl events contact Bob or Cheryll Berg (contact@thunderbirdatlatl.com or cell phone: 607-743-4379) |
|2025 Feb 15 Sat| Montana United States Atlatl Throw ISAC Event |
Crafted Wild hosts ISAC -WHEN: |2025 Feb 15 Sat| from 10:00 AM-6:00 PM Mountain Time -WHERE: 1427 Burr Ridge Rd, Victor Montana 59875 | United States -WHO: Danielle Gundlach-Cassley | 6503024305 | hello@craftedwildmt.com Crafted Wild is hosting another ISAC. Junior, Youth and Adult entries are welcome as well as curious spectators. Parking is limited so please carpool if possible. Event is free but donations are appreciated. RSVP not required but appreciated. Winter tournaments will be bare bones. Spring, Summer and Fall tournaments may include additional skills and vendor opportunities. Please visit our website “https://www.craftedwildmt.com/events” for more information. |
|2025 Feb 15 Sat| Montana United States Atlatl Throw ISAC Event |
Crafted Wild hosts ISAC -WHEN: |2025 Feb 15 Sat| from 12:30 PM-6:00 PM Mountain Time -WHERE: 1427 Burr Ridge Rd, Victor Montana 59875 | United States -WHO: Danielle Gundlach-Cassley | 6503024305 | hello@craftedwildmt.com Crafted Wild is hosting another ISAC. Junior, Youth and Adult entries are welcome as well as curious spectators. Parking is limited so please carpool if possible. Event is free but donations are appreciated. RSVP not required but appreciated. Winter tournaments will be bare bones. Spring, Summer and Fall tournaments may include additional skills and vendor opportunities. Please visit our website “https://www.craftedwildmt.com/events” for more information. |
|2025 Feb 16 Sun| – |2025 Feb 22 Sat| Arizona United States Atlatl Throw ISAC Event |
Wintercount Skills Gathering -WHEN: |2025 Feb 16 Sun|-|2025 Feb 22 Sat| from 9:00 AM-11:00 AM -WHERE: 501 N. Main St., Florence Arizona | United States -WHO: Barnes | info@montanasurvivalseed.com The atlatl event will be held at the Wintercount Skills Gathering near Florence, AZ. The exact address is unknown, as is the price for day attendees (not known if day attendees are allowed, so check in with the gathering coordinators), but it is free for anyone who is attending the gathering. The atlatl contests will be held at the “weapons range”. Questions regarding the atlatl event should be directed to Barnes at info@montanasurvivalseed.com. |
|2025 Feb 22 Sat| – |2025 Feb 23 Sun| United States Atlatl Throw ISAC Event |
Flint River Knap In -WHEN: |2025 Feb 22 Sat|-|2025 Feb 23 Sun| -WHERE: 267 E Broad Avenue, Whigham 39897 | United States -WHO: Cheryll Berg | 6077434379 | Cheryll@thunderbirdatlatl.com Second Annual Flint River Knapin, Whigham Community Club, 267 E Broad Avenue, Whigham, Georgia 39897 Atlatl range will be set up. ISACS throughout the weekend. For further information contact Bob & Cheryll Berg, contact@thunderbirdatlatl.com or 607-743-4379.
|2025 Mar 01 Sat| New York United States Atlatl Throw ISAC Event |
Indoor Shoot -WHEN: |2025 Mar 01 Sat| -WHERE: 455 S. Cascade Dr., Springville New York | United States -WHO: Douglas Bassett | 585-313-7111 | dglsbassett@gmail.com ISAC and locals. Range Fee $10. 1 pm to 2 pm or so. |
|2025 Mar 14 Fri| – |2025 Mar 15 Sat| New York United States Atlatl Throw ISAC Event |
Indoor Shoot -WHEN: |2025 Mar 14 Fri|-|2025 Mar 15 Sat| from 4:00 PM-2:00 PM EST -WHERE: 455 S. Cascade Dr., Springville New York | United States -WHO: Douglas Bassett | 585-313-7111 | dglsbassett@gmail.com ISAC and locals. Range Fee $10. Fri: 4 pm to 5 pm or so; Sat: 1 pm to 2 pm or so. |
|2025 Mar 22 Sat| Missouri United States Atlatl Throw ISAC Event |
Let’s Get Goin’ Event -WHEN: |2025 Mar 22 Sat| from 11:00 AM-4:30 PM central -WHERE: 15350 S CLINKENBEARD RD, ASHLAND Missouri 65010 | United States -WHO: David Patterson | 5736579408 | stikflinger@gmail.com Limber up your joints before the season really takes off. |
|2025 Mar 29 Sat| Missouri United States Atlatl Throw Class ISAC Event Meeting Social Gathering |
Hermann Youth Day -WHEN: |2025 Mar 29 Sat| from – central -WHERE: 1296 MO-19, Hermann Missouri 65041 | United States -WHO: David Patterson | 5736579408 | stikflinger@gmail.com This is a long standing event for the youth of Missouri to learn outdoor skills and related activities. We will be there to teach them the ancestral art of the atlatl and dart |
|2025 Apr 04 Fri| – |2025 Apr 05 Sat| New York United States Atlatl Throw ISAC Event |
Indoor Shoot -WHEN: |2025 Apr 04 Fri|-|2025 Apr 05 Sat| from 4:00 PM-2:00 PM EST -WHERE: 455 S. Cascade Dr., Springville New York | United States -WHO: Douglas Bassett | 585-313-7111 | dglsbassett@gmail.com ISAC and locals. Range Fee $10. Fri: 4 pm to 5 pm or so; Sat: 1 pm to 2 pm or so. |
|2025 Apr 04 Fri| California United States Atlatl Throw ISAC Event |
Traditional Rendezvous -WHEN: |2025 Apr 04 Fri| from 4:00 PM-6:30 PM Pst -WHERE: Figueroa man rd, Los Olivos California | United States -WHO: David Eagleton | 2097107533 | tonofeagles@yahoo.com Isac event taking place at charity archery tournament hosted by traditional bow hunters of California |
|2025 Apr 19 Sat| – |2025 Apr 20 Sun| France Atlatl Throw ISAC Event |
le Musee del la Prehistoire du Vercoors (Vercors Prehistory Museum) -WHEN: |2025 Apr 19 Sat|-|2025 Apr 20 Sun| -WHERE: , | France -WHO: Loic MATHIEU | info@prehistoire-vercors.fr Je vous informe que le Musée de la Préhistoire du Vercors, organisera une manche du championnat européen de tir aux armes préhistorique, en collaboration avec la “compagnie des écureuils de la tour” (Patrick-Laurent CALPENA). |
|2025 Apr 19 Sat| Montana United States Atlatl Throw ISAC Event |
Crafted Wild hosts ISAC -WHEN: |2025 Apr 19 Sat| from 12:30 PM-6:00 PM Mountain Time -WHERE: 1427 Burr Ridge Rd, Victor Montana 59875 | United States -WHO: Danielle Gundlach-Cassley | 6503024305 | hello@craftedwildmt.com Crafted Wild is hosting another ISAC. Junior, Youth and Adult entries are welcome as well as curious spectators. Parking is limited so please carpool if possible. Event is free but donations are appreciated. RSVP not required but appreciated. Winter tournaments will be bare bones. Spring, Summer and Fall tournaments may include additional skills and vendor opportunities. Please visit our website “https://www.craftedwildmt.com/events” for more information. |
|2025 May 02 Fri| Spain ISAC Event |
Campeonato europeo de tiro prehistórico. Manga de Valgañón -WHEN: |2025 May 02 Fri| from 5:00 PM-7:00 PM -WHERE: , | Spain -WHO: Luis Ángel Bretón Toyas | luisinno@hotmail.com Competición mundial de tiro de precisión enmarcada en el campeonato europeo de tiro Prehistórico |
|2025 May 03 Sat| La Rioja Spain ISAC Event |
Campeonato europeo de tiro prehistórico. Manga de Valgañón -WHEN: |2025 May 03 Sat| from 10:00 AM-11:45 AM -WHERE: , Valgañón La Rioja | Spain -WHO: Luis Ángel Bretón Toyas | luisinno@hotmail.com |
|2025 May 17 Sat| Montana United States Atlatl Throw ISAC Event |
Crafted Wild hosts ISAC -WHEN: |2025 May 17 Sat| from 12:30 PM-6:00 PM Mountain Time -WHERE: 1427 Burr Ridge Rd, Victor Montana 59875 | United States -WHO: Danielle Gundlach-Cassley | 6503024305 | hello@craftedwildmt.com Crafted Wild is hosting another ISAC. Junior, Youth and Adult entries are welcome as well as curious spectators. Parking is limited so please carpool if possible. Event is free but donations are appreciated. RSVP not required but appreciated. Winter tournaments will be bare bones. Spring, Summer and Fall tournaments may include additional skills and vendor opportunities. Please visit our website “https://www.craftedwildmt.com/events” for more information. |
|2025 May 17 Sat| – |2025 May 18 Sun| Pyrenees-Atlantiques – Aquitaine France Atlatl Throw ISAC Event |
European championship of prehistorical shooting in Loudenvielle (France) -WHEN: |2025 May 17 Sat|-|2025 May 18 Sun| -WHERE: , Pyrenees-Atlantiques – Aquitaine F-65410 | France -WHO: Jean-Jacques Durancet | jean-jacques.durancet@wanadoo.fr ISAC contest on Saturday and Sunday european championship of prehistorical shooting: bow on Saturday PM, atlatl on Sunday AM The State/Region is HAUTES-PYRENEES. |
|2025 Jun 21 Sat| Montana United States Atlatl Throw ISAC Event |
Crafted Wild hosts ISAC -WHEN: |2025 Jun 21 Sat| from 12:30 PM-6:00 PM Mountain Time -WHERE: 1427 Burr Ridge Rd, Victor Montana 59875 | United States -WHO: Danielle Gundlach-Cassley | 6503024305 | hello@craftedwildmt.com Crafted Wild is hosting another ISAC. Junior, Youth and Adult entries are welcome as well as curious spectators. Parking is limited so please carpool if possible. Event is free but donations are appreciated. RSVP not required but appreciated. Winter tournaments will be bare bones. Spring, Summer and Fall tournaments may include additional skills and vendor opportunities. Please visit our website “https://www.craftedwildmt.com/events” for more information. |
|2025 Jul 19 Sat| Montana United States Atlatl Throw ISAC Event |
Crafted Wild hosts ISAC -WHEN: |2025 Jul 19 Sat| from 12:30 PM-6:00 PM Mountain Time -WHERE: 1427 Burr Ridge Rd, Victor Montana 59875 | United States -WHO: Danielle Gundlach-Cassley | 6503024305 | hello@craftedwildmt.com Crafted Wild is hosting another ISAC. Junior, Youth and Adult entries are welcome as well as curious spectators. Parking is limited so please carpool if possible. Event is free but donations are appreciated. RSVP not required but appreciated. Winter tournaments will be bare bones. Spring, Summer and Fall tournaments may include additional skills and vendor opportunities. Please visit our website “https://www.craftedwildmt.com/events” for more information. |
|2025 Aug 16 Sat| Montana United States Atlatl Throw ISAC Event |
Crafted Wild hosts ISAC -WHEN: |2025 Aug 16 Sat| from 12:30 PM-6:00 PM Mountain Time -WHERE: 1427 Burr Ridge Rd, Victor Montana 59875 | United States -WHO: Danielle Gundlach-Cassley | 6503024305 | hello@craftedwildmt.com Crafted Wild is hosting another ISAC. Junior, Youth and Adult entries are welcome as well as curious spectators. Parking is limited so please carpool if possible. Event is free but donations are appreciated. RSVP not required but appreciated. Winter tournaments will be bare bones. Spring, Summer and Fall tournaments may include additional skills and vendor opportunities. Please visit our website “https://www.craftedwildmt.com/events” for more information. |
|2025 Aug 30 Sat| Cantabria Spain ISAC Event |
Campeonato europeo de tiro prehistórico. Manga de Puente Viesgo -WHEN: |2025 Aug 30 Sat| from 9:00 AM-1:00 PM -WHERE: , Cantabria | Spain -WHO: Adrián Mena Competición mundial de tiro de precisión con propulsor y azagaya |
|2025 Sep 20 Sat| Montana United States Atlatl Throw ISAC Event |
Crafted Wild hosts ISAC -WHEN: |2025 Sep 20 Sat| from 12:30 PM-6:00 PM Mountain Time -WHERE: 1427 Burr Ridge Rd, Victor Montana 59875 | United States -WHO: Danielle Gundlach-Cassley | 6503024305 | hello@craftedwildmt.com Crafted Wild is hosting another ISAC. Junior, Youth and Adult entries are welcome as well as curious spectators. Parking is limited so please carpool if possible. Event is free but donations are appreciated. RSVP not required but appreciated. Winter tournaments will be bare bones. Spring, Summer and Fall tournaments may include additional skills and vendor opportunities. Please visit our website “https://www.craftedwildmt.com/events” for more information. |
|2025 Sep 24 Wed| – |2025 Sep 27 Sat| Missouri United States Atlatl Throw ISAC Event Social Gathering |
Bois d’ Arc Primitive Skills Camp -WHEN: |2025 Sep 24 Wed|-|2025 Sep 27 Sat| -WHERE: Co Rd 92, Greenfield Missouri 65661 | United States -WHO: David Patterson | 5736579408 | stikflinger@gmail.com My favorite event of the year. Four days (and nights) of primitive skills , with everything from atlatls to z-twist cordage.cook shack on site |
|2025 Sep 27 Sat| Almeria Spain Atlatl Throw ISAC Event |
BENAHADUX ISAC. STANDARD ACCURACY CONTEST. -WHEN: |2025 Sep 27 Sat| from 11:00 AM-1:00 PM -WHERE: Santa María, 35, Benahadux Almeria 04410 | Spain -WHO: ANDRES PEREZ GARCIA | 658058676 | clanbenahadux@gmail.com Manga del XXXV Campeonato Europeo de tiro con armas prehistóricas y tiro de precisión con propulsor (ISAC) |
|2025 Oct 18 Sat| Montana United States Atlatl Throw ISAC Event |
Crafted Wild hosts ISAC -WHEN: |2025 Oct 18 Sat| from 12:30 PM-6:00 PM Mountain Time -WHERE: 1427 Burr Ridge Rd, Victor Montana 59875 | United States -WHO: Danielle Gundlach-Cassley | 6503024305 | hello@craftedwildmt.com Crafted Wild is hosting another ISAC. Junior, Youth and Adult entries are welcome as well as curious spectators. Parking is limited so please carpool if possible. Event is free but donations are appreciated. RSVP not required but appreciated. Winter tournaments will be bare bones. Spring, Summer and Fall tournaments may include additional skills and vendor opportunities. Please visit our website “https://www.craftedwildmt.com/events” for more information. |
|2025 Oct 18 Sat| – |2025 Oct 18 Sat| Landes – Aquitaine France Atlatl Throw |
Brassempouy ISAC -WHEN: |2025 Oct 18 Sat|-|2025 Oct 18 Sat| -WHERE: 404, rue du Musée, Brassempouy Landes – Aquitaine 40330 | France -WHO: Christophe CHARTIER | 0695348958 | reservations@prehistoire-brassempouy.fr |
|2025 Nov 15 Sat| Montana United States Atlatl Throw ISAC Event |
Crafted Wild hosts ISAC -WHEN: |2025 Nov 15 Sat| from 12:30 PM-6:00 PM Mountain Time -WHERE: 1427 Burr Ridge Rd, Victor Montana 59875 | United States -WHO: Danielle Gundlach-Cassley | 6503024305 | hello@craftedwildmt.com Crafted Wild is hosting another ISAC. Junior, Youth and Adult entries are welcome as well as curious spectators. Parking is limited so please carpool if possible. Event is free but donations are appreciated. RSVP not required but appreciated. Winter tournaments will be bare bones. Spring, Summer and Fall tournaments may include additional skills and vendor opportunities. Please visit our website “https://www.craftedwildmt.com/events” for more information. |