Minutes of the 26th Annual Meeting of the WAA Membership
Hammonasset Beach State Park in Madison, Connecticut
October 5, 2013
President Gary Nolf called the meeting to order at 6:10. He thanked the nearby concession stand for providing food to WAA members prior to the meeting.
The Board’s discussion of changing the deadlines for submission of events was recounted for the membership. The Board had proposed a new deadline of one month before the event, but not less than two weeks. Doug Bassett moved to accept the change. The motion was seconded and passed.
Courtney Birkett read the treasurer’s report from the end of the last fiscal year. At the beginning of July 2012 the WAA had $9840.37. Income during the year totaled $2900.87 and expenses totaled $2389.74 for an ending balance of $10,351.50 as of June 30, 2013. Gary Fogelman moved to accept the treasurer’s report. Glen Oechsner seconded the motion. Motion passed.
There was discussion of where the 2014 meeting will be held. Gary Nolf had posted about this issue on Paleoplanet, and California might be interested. Joe Ungor volunteered to join the annual meeting committee. Andy Majorsky said that Leni Clubb had said that every five years an event had to be held back in Denver. The committee should look into where recent events have been. Andy remembered that Russell Richard had wanted to hold the meeting in Wyoming the last time it was slated for the West (but Valley of Fire had already been chosen) and might want to host it this time. Ron Mertz offered Cahokia for 2015. Margie Takoch clarified the rotation of meetings among the East, West, and Central regions of the U.S. Doug Bassett suggested Meadowcroft for the next Eastern location and offered to help with organizing. Joe moved to hold the 2015 event at Cahokia. Andy seconded the motion. Margie thought we should ask Texas if they wanted to host. Ron said that it’s easy to get to Cahokia because of its central location. Motion passed with Margie opposed.
In response to Andy’s earlier comment, Margie said that there had been an early September event in Colorado this year, and Doug added that Durango was very active and a third of the youth competitors come from there. Rabbit Stick in Idaho was also mentioned. The annual meeting committee will work on a location for the West.
Gary Nolf gave out the awards for the day. Marlin Bassett came in first in the youth category. For women: third place – Courtney Birkett, second place – JoAnne Fogelman, first place – Lori Majorsky. For men: third place – Mamerto Tindongan, second place – Doug Bassett, first place – Gary Fogelmen. Gary and JoAnne Fogelman won the men’s and women’s mammoth hunt. The Grand Champion award went to Marlin Bassett.
Gary Nolf presented the President’s Award to Courtney Birkett.
Ron went over the problems with points that create oversized holes, which he had discussed with the Board. He wondered if it should be put in the ISAC rules that targets should be mounted on cardboard or another surface where huge holes can’t be torn, like flat foam. Doug Bassett said that the rules currently allow a paper target on its own as long as the holes are taped over after each round. Ron was concerned about the integrity of the ISAC. Gary thought that backing the targets with cardboard would be an easy addition to the rules. Doug thought we could delete the rule allowing pass-throughs. Ron wondered if we could make the rule specify pointed points to eliminate the problematic blunt ones. There was some discussion of rings that measure dart diameter. Gary thought cardboard backing would solve many problems. Doug Bassett moved to eliminate the pass-through clause and replace it with a statement that the target must be mounted on cardboard. Ron seconded the motion. In the discussion that ensued, Greg Maurer mentioned that targets mounted on hay bales can still have darts pass through them. Doug thought we could eliminate the rule that backless targets are allowed. Ron said that we shouldn’t say cardboard because some people use foam and other backings. It should be amended to “firm” or “a substantial backing such as cardboard.” Scott Van Arsdale added “because of the intent to eliminate a large tear in thin target paper.” The amended motion was read: “The pass-through clause should be eliminated and replaced with ‘the target must be mounted on a substantial backing such as cardboard because of the intent to eliminate large tears in thin target paper.” Motion passed.
The election results were announced. For vice president: Greg Maurer. For Directors: Kevin Ashley, Lori Majorsky, and John Whittaker.
Margie moved to adjourn the meeting, and Linda Nolf seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 6:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Courtney Birkett, WAA Executive Secretary